Thursday, July 21, 2016

July 21, 2016 (4 years, 5 months)

Andrew loves jokes and has started trying to make up his own. They rarely make sense which he thinks is super hilarious. For example: Why did the cucumber say goodnight when the blanket showed him how to put the tape on right? Because the Earth!!! Hahahahahahahaha
Andrew is very excited about going to school this fall. Whenever I ask him where he learned something he always responds with a nonchalant, "at school." Andrew, where did you learn to make that face? At school.
Andrew is really in to coloring now and works hard to stay within the lines and make his pictures full of color. He has also started trying to draw things and copy his name.
Andrew has given up his afternoon nap but still doesn't go to bed any earlier so we sometimes end up with a cranky kid. I try to still enforce quiet time but it is a daily struggle.
And now for a recap of our spring and summer thus far. Andrew really got in to dying Easter Eggs this year and was very proud of his work. He wasn't so happy when we told him we were going to eat the eggs!
Andrew quickly found his Easter Basket this year and was most excited about the chocolate coins and play dough.
Andrew liked seeing the Easter bunny from afar but was afraid when he got too close. He refused to pose for a picture and ran away when the bunny came to say hello. He didn't know that inside the bunny was a close family friend! :)
Like most 4 year olds Andrew loves to play and explore. He really enjoyed our trip to the Madison Children's Museum and especially liked playing with the stuffed animal chickens.

Andrew loves helping to take care of our chickens. He feeds them grass through the coop fence and helps to gather the eggs. When the chickens are in the hard he tries to pet them and once in a while he is able to catch one.

Andrew enjoys helping out with chores around the house, his favorites being using the spin mop and vacuuming the couches. He isn't as excited about helping pick up his toys.

Andrew loves trips to the park. His favorite things to do are climb rock walls, go down fireman poles, and ride on tire swings so long as you don't spin him too fast!


Andrew loves helping Grandma and Grandpa with their animals and is even brave enough to ride the donkey!

In June we took our first ever road trip, traveling west through South Dakota. Andrew loved being on vacation and going on so many adventures. He even did great with the long car trips during which he colored with water pens, drew pictures, played with stickers, and took naps.

At Reptile Gardens we watched a snake show, bird show, and alligator show, played at the playground, and saw tons of snakes and other reptiles. Andrew's favorite part was the bird show, he especially liked at the end when he got to hand a dollar donation to a bird. He even got to pet a snake, baby alligator, and giant tortoise.

We stopped by the Dinosaur Park where Andrew had a blast climbing on the giant dinosaur statues. He keeps asking when we can go back.


Andrew wasn't super impressed with Mount Rushmore but he did have fun on the nature hike down by the mountain.

Andrew loved Custer State Park. He did a ton of hiking, swam and splashed in the lakes, and climbed rocks.

Andrew got to tour his first cave at Wind Cave National Park. He made quick friends with our amazing tour guide when she let him borrow one of her flashlights. He stayed by her side leading the group the entire tour. He only got a little nervous when we turned off all the lights and experienced complete darkness.

We spent an afternoon at a nice beach in Hot Springs where Andrew had fun splashing around and collecting rocks.
While on vacation two of the hotels we stayed at had waterslides in their pool area. Andrew at first wanted to go down with mom or dad but once he was convinced he could go on his own there was no stopping him. He absolutely loved the water slides!

The Mammoth site was probably Andrew's least favorite attraction we visited. Admittedly we went late in the day and he was getting worn out so his behavior was a bit disruptive during the tour. Below he is hanging out in a bone house.

Andrew absolutely loved the Sertoma Butterfly House and Marine Cove. He loved the touch pools and looking at the marine life. We didn't get much for pictures in the butterfly room but he loved that as well.

When we returned home from our vacation, the highlights of our trip that Andrew was most excited to share with his friends include seeing half a cat dead on the side of the road, eating baby corns at a restaurant, and staying at hotels.
In June we went on our annual strawberry picking adventure. For some reason now matter how long we were there, Andrew's container was still empty.
We recently went to Little Amerricka and Andrew loved it! In the beginning he was afraid to ride the Tilt a Whirl but jumped right on the rest of the rides and had so much fun. At the end we went back to the Tilt a Whirl and he wanted to ride it again and again!
In July we went on a family camping trip to Pride of America. Andrew loved camping! He had so much fun playing at the park, pool, and beach, staying up late, eating smores, and sleeping in the tent.
Andrew loves playing in the water whether it is making his own water slide at home with the sprinkler, splashing in the kiddie pool and water table, swimming in a pool, or playing at the beach he is loving summer!



Tuesday, February 23, 2016

February 21, 2016 (4 Years Old!)

Andrew is 4 years old!!! How did that happen?!?!?! He is a very inquisitive, high energy, rambunctious, adventurous, cuddly, silly boy. He loves to read books and gets excited when we bring new ones home from the library, usually insisting on reading every one of them before bed. He is a problem solver and can come up with an answer for everything! He is always asking questions: What kind of animal made these tracks in the snow? What is in soil? How did I get out of your belly?
Andrew really had fun with Valentine's day this year. We made several heart themed crafts and Valentine's for a few family and friends. He had a huge list of people he wanted to make Valentines for before we started but when it came down to actually making them he lost interest after about 5 and then wanted to keep the coolest one for himself.
On Valentine's Day morning we had pink heart shaped pancakes and Andrew got a box of Sweetheart candies. He was asking us to read the sayings to him and when one said "Melt my heart" he asked "Why would it say melt my heart? Then I would be dead!" LOL
The best part about shopping online? Big boxes!!! Andrew always has a great time playing with boxes until inevitably he jumps on it and crushes it or one of them rips it and then we are all very sad. 
Andrew continues to crack me up with his sleep positions and all the things he needs to have with him in bed. If he discovers an item during the day that he is really excited about he often asks, can I bring this with me to bed?
Andrew has always like to paint, lately he has been obsessed with making handprints on his artwork.
Sometimes the best toys aren't toys. Andrew loves to play in laundry baskets.
Pinkeye made its way through our household. As a reward, ok bribe, to let me put his eye drops in we had ice cream for breakfast.
Andrew still insists on riding his tricycle which he is getting much to tall for. He refuses to try out his balance bike or bike with training wheels because he might "tip over and get big bad owies!"
For Andrew's birthday we had a bowling party! Most of Andrew's grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins were able to come celebrate with us. When I asked what kind of cake he wanted he immediately responded with PAW PATROL! So we had Paw Patrol cupcakes and Andrew received lots of fun Paw Patrol and other presents.


Thursday, December 31, 2015

December 31, 2015 (3 Years, 10 months)

Andrew really enjoyed fall this year! He had so much fun raking leaves then running and jumping in them. Watching the leaf truck out the window at the neighbor's house brought more excitement until he became afraid they would pick up his leaf pile too! Luckily Dad was saving the leaves to use as mulch in the garden so we got to keep them until the novelty wore off.

Andrew loved Halloween this year and is still talking about it even after Christmas. We did lots of fun activities and even had a Halloween Party with our daycare friends featuring games, crafts, music, a show, and even themed snacks.

Unfortunately Daddy was out of town for trick or treating but Andrew got to go with some of his cousins in Baraboo. Andrew was a zebra, he loved his costume so much when we found it at the store he wouldn't take it off after trying it on. When it came time for trick or treating Andrew wasn't in the best mood since he was tired from missing his nap. He cheered up when he saw the candy and kept trying to take more than he was given. Mom reminded him to say thank you!

Andrew does not like getting his hair cut but when he saw Alex getting his hair trimmed with scissors instead of clippers he decided to let Daddy give him a trim too.

I think Andrew was more excited about Alex's big boy bed than Alex was.
Poor Andrew was sick over Thanksgiving. I don't know why he insists on getting sick over the holidays! :( Nothing too serious, he had an upper respiratory infection and a minor ear infection.
Andrew really enjoyed our Christmas traditions this year. He had fun helping decorate the tree and we only had a few broken ornaments this year.

This year in addition to our advent tree, we started a Christmas countdown chain where each night featured a family activity to celebrate the seasons. Some of the highlights included a flashlight walk, a picnic by the Christmas tree, decorating gingerbread houses, a holiday lights drive, visiting the Olbrigh Gardens holiday train display, a popcorn movie night, and more. Andrew was so excited each day to do the chain!


We delivered a Christmas cookie tray from our neighborhood to our local fire station and were able to get a private look at the fire trucks! Andrew was looking forward to it all day but when we got there he became very nervous and shy. He didn't even want to get in the truck and had to be persuaded to get his picture taken by it. Later we found out it was because he thought at any moment the truck my turn on and drive away and he didn't want to be in it when that happened! He must have still had  good time though because he was talking about it for days!
For Christmas from Mom and Dad Andrew got a bouncy horse, a car loader truck, a coloring book, and Paw Patrol book pjs, shirt, and water bottle. He was one happy boy!

Andrew's latest obsession in the Paw Patrol show. He asks to watch it whenever given the opportunity, he sings the song, reenacts shows, and names all his stuffed puppies after the dogs on the show.